De Haan, M., Gautier, PieterA., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2023). The Performance of School Assignment Mechanisms in Practice Journal of Political Economy, 131(2):388--455.
42 key publications
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Menkveld, A., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johanesson, M., Kirchler, M., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., Vladimirov, V., Caskurlu, T. and co-authors, O. (2023). Non-Standard Errors The Journal of Finance, :.
König, M., Storesletten, K., Song, Z. and Zilibotti, F. (2022). From Imitation to Innovation: Where Is All That Chinese R&D Going? Econometrica, 90(4):1615--1654.
Jacobs, B., Fok, D. and Donkers, B. (2021). Understanding Large-Scale Dynamic Purchase Behavior Marketing Science, 40(5):844--870.
Dorotic, M., Fok, D., Verhoef, PeterC. and Bijmolt, TammoH.A. (2021). Synergistic and cannibalization effects in a partnership loyalty program Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(5):1021--1042.
Kleibergen, F. and Zhan, Z. (2020). Robust Inference for Consumption-Based Asset Pricing The Journal of Finance, 75(1):507--550.
Ates, N.(., Tarakci, M., Porck, J., Knippenberg, D. and Groenen, P. (2018). The Dark Side of Visionary Leadership in Strategy Implementation: Strategic Alignment, Strategic Consensus and Commitment Journal of Management, 46(5):637--665.
Porck, J., Knippenberg, D., Tarakci, M., Ates, N.(., Groenen, P. and de Haas, M. (2020). Do Group and Organizational Identification Help or Hurt Intergroup Strategic Consensus? Journal of Management, 46(2):234--260.
Konig, M., Zilibotti, F., Thoenig, M. and Rohner, D. (2017). Networks in Conflict: Theory and Evidence from the Great War of Africa Econometrica, 85(4):1093--1132.
Boswijk, H., Francq, C., Hallin, M. and Taylor, R. (2016). Editorial: Special Issue on Time Series Econometrics Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 100:631--632.
Jacobs, B., Donkers, B. and Fok, D. (2016). Model-based Purchase Predictions for Large Assortments Marketing Science, 35(3):389--404.
Silva Lourenco, C., Gijsbrechts, E. and Paap, R. (2015). The Impact of Category Prices on Store Price Image Formation: An Empirical Analysis Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2):200--216.
Bos, C., Koopman, S. and Ooms, M. (2014). Long memory with stochastic variance model: A resursive analysis for U.S. inflation Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76(August):144--157.
Dorotic, M., Verhoef, P., Fok, D. and Bijmolt, T. (2014). Reward redemption effects in a loyalty program when customers choose how much and when to redeem International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(4):339--355.
Kontoghiorghes, ErricosJ., Van Dijk, HermanK., Belsley, DavidA., Bollerslev, T., Diebold, FrancisX., Dufour, J.M., Engle, R., Harvey, A., Koopman, S.J., Pesaran, H., Phillips, PeterC.B., Smith, RichardJ., West, M., Yao, Q., Amendola, A., Billio, M., Chen, CathyW.S., Chiarella, C., Colubi, A., Deistler, M., Francq, C., Hallin, M., Jacquier, E., Judd, K., Koop, G., Lütkepohl, H., MacKinnon, JamesG., Mittnik, S., Omori, Y., Pollock, D.S.G., Proietti, T., Rombouts, JeroenV.K., Scaillet, O., Semmler, W., So, MikeK.P., Steel, M., Taylor, R., Tzavalis, E., Zakoian, J.M., Peter Boswijk, H., Luati, A. and Maheu, J. (2014). CFEnetwork: The Annals of computational and financial econometrics: 2nd issue Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76:1--3.
Tarakci, M., Ates, N.(., Porck, J., van Knippenberg, D., Groenen, P. and de Haas, M.(. (2013). Strategic Consensus Mapping: A New Method for Testing and Visualizing Strategic Consensus Within and Between Teams Strategic Management Journal, 35(7):1053--1069.
Horvath, C. and Fok, D. (2013). Moderating Factors of Immediate, Gross, and Net Cross-brand Effects of Price Promotions Marketing Science, 32(1):127--152.
Guggenberger, P., Kleibergen, F., Mavroeidis, S. and Chen, L. (2012). On the asymptotic sizes of subset Anderson-Rubin and Lagrange multiplier tests in linear instrumental variables regression Econometrica, 80(6):2649--2666.
Dordonnat, V., Koopman, S. and Ooms, M. (2012). Dynamic factors in periodic time-varying regressions with an application to hourly electricity load modelling Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(11):3134--3152.
Belsley, D.A., Kontoghiorghes, E.J., Van Dijk, H.K., Bauwens, L., Koopman, S.J., McAleer, M., Amendola, A., Billio, M., Croux, C., Chen, CathyW.S., Davidson, R., Duchesne, P., Foschi, P., Francq, C., Fuertes, A.M., Koop, G., Khalaf, L., Paolella, M., Pollock, D.S.G., Ruiz, E., Paap, R., Proietti, T., Winker, P., Yu, PhilipL.H., Zakoian, J.M. and Zeileis, A. (2012). The Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics, first issue Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(11):2991--2992.