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Home | Graduate Program | Research Master

Research Master

Learn more about the two-year Research Master Business Data Science at Tinbergen Institute.

Research Master

Tinbergen Institute Research Master's Program Business Data Science is a two-year joint degree (120 EC) and prepares students for a PhD trajectory in Business departments.

Acquiring skills

In year 1, the primary objective is to build a solid data science foundation and expose students to a variety of methodological approaches. These skills are applied to various business disciplines in the field courses.

First year overview:

Block Business and Data Science (Advanced) Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics Research
0 Introduction Refresher courses in Programming and Mathematics Business Foundations
I Decision Theory for Business Fundamental or Adv Mathematics; Statistics or Asymptotic Statistics Business Foundations
II Machine Learning I; Parallel Computing and Big Data Econometrics I or Advanced Econometrics I Business Foundations
III Machine Learning II Econometrics II or Advanced Econometrics II Business Foundations; Track-specific elective/Research; Hackathon/ Internship
IV Simulation Analysis & Optimization; Deep Learning Econometrics III or Advanced Econometrics III  
V Track-specific field course; Natural Language Processing   Skills Workshop; Research Internship/elective

 See full list of courses (EUR Course Catalog). 

Building knowledge

In year 2, students focus on a given business sub-discipline, selecting courses in a chosen sub-discipline: 1) quantitative finance, 2) management science, 3) operations analytics. The courses assigned for each of these sub-disciplines have been carefully selected by a team of experts with the aim of ensuring the perfect learning trajectory that will lead to substantive contributions in the fields of each particular sub-discipline. 

Second year overview: 

Block Business and Data Science (Advanced) Mathematics and Statistics Research
I Field-specific field courses, Research Internship, Electives    
II Field-specific field courses, Research Internship, Electives Bayesian Econometrics Skills Workshop II
III Field-specific field courses, Research Internship, Electives   Skills Workshop II; Thesis
IV     Skills Workshop III; Thesis
V     Thesis

Students also take the following courses in year 2:

  • Bayesian Econometrics
  • Research internships and/or electives
  • Skills workshops (review process, academic writing and presentations)
  • Research Master Thesis (30 credits)

See the full course list for year 2 and the Study Guide.

Academic and Examination Regulations

The Academic and Examination Regulations provide details on the program requirements and examination procedures and can be downloaded from the intranet.

> Program Outline