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Accounting and Finance
Home | Research | Finance

Accounting and Finance

Accounting research studies the production, disclosure, and verification of financial and nonfinancial information by companies and its use by company management and external parties (investors, analysts, or regulators). Finance research studies how financial frictions affect economic outcomes. It aims to understand how markets, corporations, and intermediaries behave as a result of these frictions, with a broad focus on asset pricing, corporate finance, financial institutions, behavioral finance, and market microstructure. Research in accounting and finance uses advanced data science and econometric methods applied on large financial and nonfinancial data.

Accounting and Finance

Accounting research studies the production, disclosure, and verification of financial and nonfinancial information by companies and its use by company management and external parties (investors, analysts, or regulators). Finance research studies how financial frictions affect economic outcomes. It aims to understand how markets, corporations, and intermediaries behave as a result of these frictions, with a broad focus on asset pricing, corporate finance, financial institutions, behavioral finance, and market microstructure. Research in accounting and finance uses advanced data science and econometric methods applied on large financial and nonfinancial data.