Stefan Obernberger
Stefan Obernberger is a member of the Finance Group at the Erasmus School of Economics. His primary research areas include acquisitions, buyouts, payout policy, share repurchases, and the impact of corporate financial policies on employees.
Key publications

Antoni, M., Maug, E. and Obernberger, S. (2019). Private equity and human capital risk Journal of Financial Economics, 133(3):634--657.
Busch, P. and Obernberger, S. (2017). Actual Share Repurchases, Price Efficiency, and the Information Content of Stock Prices Review of Financial Studies, 30(1):324--362.
Hillert, A., Maug, E. and Obernberger, S. (2016). Stock repurchases and liquidity Journal of Financial Economics, 119(1):186--209.