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Study Schedule

Students choose a track before block 3. Tracks are:

Study schedule 2024-2025 for year two

Note that courses may be cancelled in case there are fewer than five registered students. 

Electives can be selected among our list of field courses below, or among the external courses offered by LNMB, ABRI, ERIM or MasterMath. Advanced first year courses can be taken as a field course in year two for 3 EC.

Sudents who want to take external courses for credits need permission from the Examination Board (see below).   

Students are strongly advised to complete all modules of the program before the end of the second academic year (i.e. within 24 months). Any extension beyond August 31 complicates the matching to PhD employment positions and involves the payment of tuition fees for (part of) the third academic year. 

> Matching with a thesis supervisor