Study Schedule
Study schedule Research Master Business Data Science
Study schedule 2024-2025 for year one
Study schedule 2024-2025 for year one
Students choose a track before block 3. Tracks are:
Track-specific field courses year 1 Quantitative Finance
Track-specific field courses year 1 Quantitative Finance
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 3 TIC10301 Asset Pricing 4 5 TIF10009
TIF10010Two of the following courses: Empirical Asset Pricing
Empirical Corporate Finance
Market and Systemic Risk Management8 -
Track-specific field courses year 1 Management Science track
Track-specific field courses year 1 Management Science track
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 3 TIF10205
TIF10403One of the following courses: Experimental Research (ABRI)*
Research Hackathon
Research Internship4 5 TIF10206
TIF10321Two of the following courses: Marketing Research with Purpose (ABRI)*
Theoretical Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Strategy (ABRI)*
Theoretical Perspectives on Digital Innovation (ABRI)*
Contemporary Issues in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (ABRI)*8 * The Amsterdam Business Research Institute of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (ABRI), offers PhD education in Business and Management. The schedule for ABRI courses differs from the schedule used in the Business Data Science curriculum. Please check the ABRI webpage for the schedule for 2024-2025 and to register for the courses.
Track-specific field courses year 1 Operation Research Analytics track
Track-specific field courses year 1 Operation Research Analytics track
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 3 TIF10400
One of the following courses: Research Hackathon
Research Internship4 5 TIF10211
TIF10405Both of the following courses: Integer Linear Programming
Research Internship8
Study schedule 2024-2025 for year two
Study schedule 2024-2025 for year two
Study schedule 2024-2025 for year two
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 1+2+3 Track-specific field courses, electives and research internships (internships max 6 cr) 24 2 TIC20117 Bayesian Econometrics 3 1/2/3 TIC20012 Academic Writing 1 1/2/3 TIC20011 Skills Course I: Academic Integrity 1 1/2/3 TIC20013 Presenting in Academia 1 3+4+5 TIC20899 Research Master Thesis 30 -
Quantitative Finance track (field-specific courses Y2) Electives can be selected from (also see list below):
Quantitative Finance track (field-specific courses Y2) Electives can be selected from (also see list below):
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 1 TIF20102 Banking 3 1 TIF20107 Continuous Time Asset Pricing 3 1 TIF20100 Public Finance 3 1 TIF20101 Dynamic Corporate Finance 3 2 DHP-QF Quantitative Investments 2 (VU course) 3 2 TIF20121 Law, Economics and Organizations 3 3 TIF20302 Corporate Finance Theory 3 4 TIF20124 Sustainable Finance 3 4 TIF10007 Financial Frictions in Macroeconomics 3 -
Management Science track (mandatory field-specific courses Y2)
Management Science track (mandatory field-specific courses Y2)
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 1 TIF20212 Marketing Science 3 1 TIF20213 AI@Work 3 1 TIF20303 Social Network Analysis 3 2 TIF20112 Social Media Data Analytics for Business 3 Other field courses can be selected from the Electives list below.
Operation Research Analytics track (mandatory field-specific courses Y2)
Operation Research Analytics track (mandatory field-specific courses Y2)
Block Course Code Course Name Credits 1 TIF20304 Decomposition Methods 3 1 TIF20305 Heuristic Optimization Methods 3 1 TIF20303 Social Network Analysis 3 2 TIF20112 Social Media Data Analytics for Business 3 3 TIF20123 Forecasting Methods 3 Other field courses can be selected from the Electives list below.
Note that courses may be cancelled in case there are fewer than five registered students.
Electives can be selected among our list of field courses below, or among the external courses offered by LNMB, ABRI, ERIM or MasterMath. Advanced first year courses can be taken as a field course in year two for 3 EC.
Electives available in 2024-2025
Electives for year two available in 2024-2025
Electives for year two available in 2024-2025
Sudents who want to take external courses for credits need permission from the Examination Board (see below).
Students are strongly advised to complete all modules of the program before the end of the second academic year (i.e. within 24 months). Any extension beyond August 31 complicates the matching to PhD employment positions and involves the payment of tuition fees for (part of) the third academic year.