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Research Master students

Research Master students

Business Data Science research master students

First-year students have to register for all first-year courses they want to take. There is a trial period of 2 weeks to decide for the basic or the advanced version of the courses in mathematics, statistics and econometrics. 

First year students have to decide on the full program of 2nd year electives before June 15 of the first year. Students are allowed to register for extra field courses, which can be taken in case of course cancellations. Any other change in course selection once the registration has been closed needs an explicit motivational letter by the supervisor and the approval of the DGS.

Students also need to register for 1st year courses they failed and have to re-take in the second year of the program.

Students who want to withdraw from a course once the course has started are requested to inform the educational office by sending an email to courses@businessdatascience.nl no later than Sunday after the first lecture. 

In case less than five students register for a course, the course may be cancelled.

Courses 2024-2025

Course Catalog

> PhD students