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Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour

Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour

The HR covers the key areas of strategic Human Resource Management, including employee perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, relations, international management. The Organizational Behavior study offers insights on how individuals, teams, structures, and context influence behavior within and across organizations, and applies the research results to increase the organization’s efficiency along with the employees’ well-being, productivity, and participation. Adding a broad range of statistical techniques and novel data sources to the research field, HR Analytics conducts statistical analysis of HR data to benefit the employee performance, and addresses the topics such as employee engagement, turnover, performance management, compensation, and recruitment.

Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour

The HR covers the key areas of strategic Human Resource Management, including employee perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, relations, international management. The Organizational Behavior study offers insights on how individuals, teams, structures, and context influence behavior within and across organizations, and applies the research results to increase the organization’s efficiency along with the employees’ well-being, productivity, and participation. Adding a broad range of statistical techniques and novel data sources to the research field, HR Analytics conducts statistical analysis of HR data to benefit the employee performance, and addresses the topics such as employee engagement, turnover, performance management, compensation, and recruitment.

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