Dellaert, BenedictG.C., Johnson, EricJ., Duncan, S. and Baker, T. (2024). Choice Architecture for Healthier Insurance Decisions: Ordering and Partitioning Together Can Improve Consumer Choice Journal of Marketing, 88(1):15--30.
483 key publications
Menkveld, A., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johanesson, M., Kirchler, M., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., Vladimirov, V., Caskurlu, T. and co-authors, O. (2024). Nonstandard Errors The Journal of Finance, :.
Gutierrez, C., Sloof, R. and Crilly, D. (2024). Time Is Not Money! Temporal Preferences for Time Investments and Entry Into Entrepreneurship Organization Science, 35:622--643.
Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., Karmaziene, E. and Tümer-Alkan, G. (2024). Reproducibility in Management Science Management Science, 70(3):1343--1356.
Stremersch, S. (2024). How can academics generate great research ideas?: Inspiration from ideation practice International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(1):1--17.
Gryglewicz, S., Mayer, S. and Morellec, E. (2024). The Dynamics of Loan Sales and Lender Incentives Review of Financial Studies, :.
Stephenson, KathleenA., Cornelissen, JoepP. and Khapova, SvetlanaN. (2024). Upbeat or Off-the-Mark? How Work Rhythms Affect Strategic Change Journal of Management Studies, :.
Keller, K., Guyt, J. and Grewal, R. (2024). Soda Taxes and Marketing Conduct Journal of Marketing Research, 61(3):393--410.
Hariharan, V., Landsman, V. and Stremersch, S. (2024). The Detailing Response of Branded Drug Firms to Generic Entry International Journal of Research in Marketing, :.
van Angeren, J. and Karunakaran, A. (2023). Anchored Inferential Learning: Platform-Specific Uncertainty, Venture Capital Investments by the Platform Owner, and the Impact on Complementors Organization Science, 34(3):1027--1050.
Teeselink, B.K., van den Assem, MartijnJ. and van Dolder, D. (2023). Does Losing Lead to Winning? An Empirical Analysis for Four Sports Management Science, 69(1):513--532.
De Haan, M., Gautier, PieterA., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2023). The Performance of School Assignment Mechanisms in Practice Journal of Political Economy, 131(2):388--455.
Liadeli, G., Sotgiu, F. and Verlegh, P. (2023). A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Brands’ Owned Social Media on Social Media Engagement and Sales Journal of Marketing, 87(3):406--427.
Twemlow, M., Tims, M. and Khapova, SvetlanaN. (2023). A process model of peer reactions to team member proactivity Human Relations, 76(9):1317--1351.
Özalp, H., Eggers, J. and Malerba, F. (2023). Hitting Reset: Industry Evolution, Generational Technology Cycles, and the Dynamic Value of Firm Experience Strategic Management Journal, 44(5):1292--1327.
Stremersch, S., Gonzalez, J., Valenti, A. and Villanueva, J. (2023). The value of context-specific studies for marketing Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51(1):50--65.
Miric, M., Özalp, H. and Yilmaz, E. (2023). Trade-offs to using standardized tools: Innovation enablers or creativity constraints? Strategic Management Journal, 44(4):909--942.
Daniel, K., Klos, A. and Rottke, S. (2023). The Dynamics of Disagreement Review of Financial Studies, 36(6):2431--2467.
Atanasiu, R., Ruotsalainen, R. and Khapova, S. (2023). A simple rule is born: How CEOs distill heuristics Journal of Management Studies, 60(5):1064--1104.
Wickert, C. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2023). Taking the P in political corporate social responsibility seriously Journal of International Business Studies, 54(5):928--937.