Victor Maas
Key publications

Cardinaels, E., Kramer, S. and Maas, VictorS. (2024). Navigating through the noise: The effect of color-coded performance feedback on decision-making Contemporary Accounting Research, 41(2):1031--1057.
Maas, V., van Rinsum, M. and Hecht, G. (2023). The effects of transparency and group incentives on managers’ strategic promotion behavior The Accounting Review, 98(7):1--22.
Maas, V. and Shi, B. (2023). The effects of target difficulty and relative ability on managers’ delegation decisions Management Accounting Research, 60:.
Chan, EricW., Lill, JeremyB. and Maas, VictorS. (2023). Promote Internally or Hire Externally? The Role of Gift Exchange and Performance Measurement Precision Journal of Accounting Research, 61(2):493--530.
Maas, V. and Yin, H. (2022). Finding partners in crime? How transparency about managers’ behavior affects employee collusion Accounting, Organizations and Society, 96:.
van Rinsum, M., Maas, V. and Stolker, D. (2018). Disclosure Checklists and Auditors’ Judgments of Aggressive Accounting European Accounting Review, 27(2):383--399.
Maas, V. and Verdoorn, N. (2017). The effects of performance report layout on managers’ subjective evaluation judgments Accounting and Business Research, 47(7):731--751.
Bol, J.C., Kramer, S. and Maas, V. (2016). How control system design affects performance evaluation compression: The role of information accuracy and bonus transparency Accounting, Organizations and Society, 51:64--73.
Kramer, S., Maas, V. and van Rinsum, M. (2016). Relative Performance Information, Rank Ordering and Employee Performance: A Research Note Management Accounting Research, 33:16--24.
Maas, V. and van Rinsum, M. (2013). How control system design influences performance misreporting Journal of Accounting Research, 51(5):1159--1186.
Maas, V., van Rinsum, M. and Towry, K. (2012). In search of informed discretion: an experimental investigation of fairness and trust reciprocity The Accounting Review, 87(2):617--644.
Hartmann, F. and Maas, V. (2011). The effects of uncertainty on the roles of controllers and budgets: an exploratory study Accounting and Business Research, 41(5):439--458.
Maas, V. and Torres-Gonzalez, R. (2011). Subjective performance evaluation and gender discrimination Journal of Business Ethics, 101(4):667--681.
Maas, V. and Matejka, M. (2009). Balancing the dual responsibilities of business unit controllers: field and survey evidence The Accounting Review, 84(4):1233--1253.
Naranjo-Gil, D., Maas, V. and Hartmann, F. (2009). How CFOs determine management accounting innovation: an examination of direct and indirect effects European Accounting Review, 18(4):667--695.