Fleur Deken
Fleur Deken has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), a leading journal that publishes interdisciplinary research on innovation management and product development.
Fleur Deken
Fleur Deken has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), a leading journal that publishes interdisciplinary research on innovation management and product development.
Fleur Deken
Editorial Board Memberships at Organization Studies and Strategic Organization
Fleur Deken
Fleur is an elected member of the executive committee at the Academy of Management, Strategizing Activities & Practices (SAP) DIG she currently acts as the DIG Chair.
Fleur Deken
In several major collaborative grants including NWO KIC, Topsectoren, and NWO Open Competition, Fleur has been a work package leader.
Fleur Deken
Several Best Reviewer Awards, including the Best Reviewer Award at the Strategic Management Society, Strategy Process track, and at the Academy of Management
Hans Berends
Hans Berends has joined the Editorial Board of the Strategic Organization, a prominent journal focusing on the intersection of strategic management and organization studies.
Anne-Sophie Mayer, Ella Hafermalz, Marleen Huysman, Wendy Günther
Marleen Huysman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) has been awarded funding from The Dutch Research Council (NWO) as part of the Open Competition - SSH L. With the project ‘GenAI@Work: Studying the Impacts of Generative AI on Knowledge Work, Management and Organizations’ Huysman, jointly with Reza Mousavi Baygi, Ella Hafermalz, Anne-Sophie Mayer and Wendy Günther, aims to uncover the intended and unintended consequences of integrating GenAI technologies in real-world work settings.
Mohammad Rezazade Mehrizi, Wendy Günther
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Mohammad Rezazade Mehrizi and Wendy Günther (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) a research grant of one million euro. With the grant, they will be able to investigate how novel algorithmic technologies can be applied in medical diagnosis through collaborative learning among stakeholders.
Fleur Deken
The NWO Veni grant, of up to 280.000 euros, is awarded to excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhD, to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years. Laureates are at the start of their scientific career and display a striking talent for scientific research.
Hans Berends
NWO KIC grant Maatschappelijk Verdienvermogen: “Fieldlabs@Scale: Towards effective collaborative experimentation for mission-driven innovation”, 2023-2027, 1,500,000 Euro
Hans Berends
NWO Open Competition grant for “OPEN-QUAL: Innovating Methods for Open Science in Qualitative Management Research”, 2023-2027, 760,000 Euro.
Fleur Deken
Best-Paper Award 2022 at Journal of Strategic Information Systems, paper ‘Resourcing with Data: Unpacking the Process of Creating Data-Driven Value Propositions’, with Wendy Günther, Mohammad Rezazade Mehiriz, Marleen Huysman, Fleur Deken & Frans Feldberg
Enrico Perotti, Eric Bartelsman
Enrico Perotti (University of Amsterdam) and Eric Bartelsman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) have been granted NWO funding for their research project 'Understanding the role of IT progress and globalization in economic growth' in the NWO Open Competition - Social Sciences and Humanities. Project: A slowing global economy and steady rise in inequality are threatening social cohesion. The project investigates the role of IT progress and globalization in causing unequal economic growth, and explains puzzling trends in capital and labor markets. It will guide a sustainable policy for economic and financial stability. With the NWO Open Competition-SSH, NWO Social Sciences and Humanities wants to offer researchers the opportunity to carry out research into a subject of their own choosing without any thematic constraints. The funding instrument is intended for senior researchers who may no longer apply for a Veni, Vidi and Vici grant within the Talent Scheme.
Elco van Burg
Entrepreneurship best full paper award, 2021, British Academy of Management Conference
Elco van Burg
Journal of Business Venturing Best Paper Award 2021.
Eric Bartelsman
To mark the 50th anniversary of Jan Tinbergen’s Nobel Prize, a series of conversations between Nobel Laureates and Dutch policy makers was set up, led by Eric Bartelsman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Esther-Mirjam Sent (Radboud University). The resulting publication appeared in the series KVS Preadviezen.
Eric Bartelsman, Sabien Dobbelaere
A consortium of European research partners, including TI Fellows Eric Bartelsman and Sabien Dobbelaere from School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit, were awarded a grant for a three year Horizon 2020 research project. The project, Raising EU Productivity: Lessons from Improved Micro Data (MicroProd), will examine the empirical observation that productivity growth in the developed world has slowed down in the past decade despite both continuation of technological innovation as well as greater openness to trade.
Vittoria Scalera
Vittoria Scalera received a Veni grant of € 250.000 by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to support her research project Connect or Perish: From the Genesis of Connections to the Creation of Innovation'.