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Home | Courses | Marketing Science

Marketing Science

  • Teacher(s)
    Francesca Sotgiu, Jonne Guyt
  • Research field
    Management Science
  • Dates
    Period 1 - Sep 04, 2023 to Oct 27, 2023
  • Course type
  • Program year
  • Credits

Course description

Today’s complexity has pushed marketers and scholars to rethink the role of marketing. This calls for new tools needed to keep into account (dynamic) changes among the different players (from consumers to competitors) and across the various context (from environmental challenges to new channels).

In this course, we introduce seminal work in marketing, latest advancements, and modelling approaches. With marketing budgets under fire, companies demand marketing managers to act fast based on hard facts, to drive profitable growth and cut waste at the same time. Data overload, media fragmentation and multi-channel management have all complicated the challenge for marketers to prove and improve marketing performance. This calls for new tools needed to measure and evaluate the return on marketing investment.

These sessions will be instrumental in inspiring you towards new novel, relevant and impactful idea(s), but also in putting you in direct contact with some of the most successful thought leaders in Marketing Science today. To take full advantage from each session, read ahead the material and come prepared to discussed your own ideas.

Course literature

The following list of mandatory readings (presented in alphabetical order) are considered essential for your learning experience. These books and articles are also part of the exam material. Changes in the reading list will be communicated on Canvas.
Selected chapters from and papers, including:

· Leeflang, P. S., Wieringa, J. E., Bijmolt, T. H., & Pauwels, K. H. (Eds.). (2017). Advanced methods for modeling markets. Berlin: Springer.

· Train, K. E. (2009). Discrete choice methods with simulation. Cambridge university press. (download on Kenneth Trains website: https://eml.berkeley.edu/books/choice2.html

For a full list of papers, see Canvas.