POSTPONED 5th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and PhD Symposium 2020
FieldStrategy and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
LocationVrije Universiteit
Amsterdam -
March 31, 2020 until April 02, 2020
The 5th version of this conference aims to advance our understanding of entrepreneurship-as-practice, foster network ties, facilitate collaborative writing relationships, and build a strong community of practice scholars. To do so, we have developed a Research Conference and PhD Symposium that educates interested scholars as well as develops empirical and conceptual papers regarding the ‘practice turn’ taking place in entrepreneurship studies. Building on the first (February 2016 at VU Amsterdam), second (February 2017 at University College Dublin Quinn School of Business), third (April 2018 at Linnaeus University) and fourth (April 2019 at Nantes Business School) Entrepreneurship-as-Practice conferences, this conference and PhD symposium bring the growing community of researchers who embrace the “practice turn” back to Amsterdam.
The Conference will be hosted by the Vrije Universiteit and will be held over three full days, March 31st- April 2nd. March 31st will be about Mapping the developing field of EaP that includes plenary sessions and an unconference event (, concluding with drinks.