Patents to Products: Product Innovation and Firm Dynamics
SeriesCAED2020 Online
SpeakerSalomé Baslandze (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
FieldOrganizations and Markets, Macroeconomics, Entrepreneurship
Date and time
January 29, 2021
14:00 - 15:15
This seminar is part of the Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) online seminar series, which takes the place of the CAED 2020 Rotterdam conference.
We are pleased to present:
Speaker: Salomé Baslandze (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Title: ""Patents to Products: Product Innovation and Firm Dynamics""
Discussant: Richard Bräuer (IWH)
Zoom meeting ID: 844 739 7818
(zoom opens at 13:45 CET)
Password:see Intranet TI or Intranet BDS, Events Login tab. External attendees can sign up by sending an email to with 'CAED2020' in the subject line.
For any questions, send your email to: