Consuming AI: A research program on consumers and intelligent machines
SeriesBDS Marketing Seminars
SpeakerStefano Puntoni (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Date and time
February 11, 2021
10:00 - 11:00
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Rapid advances in robotics and artificial intelligence are transforming the economy, enabling the development of many new products and services and triggering a new wave of automation in organizational and production processes. I will review a research program investigating our relationship with technology in the dawning age of smart machines. Making examples from a series of working papers and recently published articles, I will explore how important psychological processes such as social comparison and attribution explain how consumers react to, and think about, intelligent machines.
Stefano Puntoni is a professor of marketing at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, in the Netherlands. He joined RSM after completing a PhD in marketing at London Business School and a degree in Statistics and Economics at the University of Padova, in his native Italy. His research has appeared in several leading journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Nature Human Behaviour, and Management Science, and has been featured in media outlet such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review. Most of his ongoing research investigates how new technology is changing consumption and society. He is a former MSI Young Scholar and MSI Scholar, and the winner of several grants and awards. He is currently an Associate Editor at Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Marketing, as well as the International Perspectives Director at the Association for Consumer Research. Stefano teaches in the areas of marketing strategy, brand management, and decision making. The Financial Times named him a “Professor to Watch”.