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Home | Events Archive | Machine Learning for Optimization workshop

Machine Learning for Optimization workshop

  • Speakers
    Ilker Birbil (University of Amsterdam), Guillaume Baquiast (QuantumBlack), Joaquim Gromicho (ORTEC), Herke van Hoof (University of Amsterdam), Max Snijders, Max Barkhausen (BCG Gamma) et al.
  • Location
  • Date and time

    September 29, 2021
    09:00 - 17:00

Workshop on Machine Learning and Optimization

We kindly invite you for a one day workshop on Machine Learning for Optimization.

Ilker Birbil (University of Amsterdam), Dick den Hertog (University of Amsterdam) and Krzysztof Postek (Delft University of Technology) with the OPTIMAL consortium.

Seven speakers (five from the industry and two from the academia), each in a 45-minute talk, will provide us with a compact overview of successes, failures and key challenges to be faced by the combination ML+Optimization. Also, the physically organised (and streamed online) workshop would be an opportunity to make room for new industrial/academic collaborations.

Our confirmed excellent speakers are (academia):

Ilker Birbil (UvA)
Herke van Hoof (UvA)

and (industry):

Diederik Fokkema (ING)
Joaquim Gromicho (ORTEC, UvA)
Seppo Pieterse (Quintiq)
Max Barkhausen, Max Snijders (BCG Gamma)
Guillaume Baquiast (McKinsey/QuantumBlack)

Programme of the day

9:00-9:25: Doors open
9:25-9:30: Welcome

9.30-10.15: Ilker Birbil (University of Amsterdam)
10:15-11:00: Seppo Pieterse (Quintiq)

11:00-11:15: Coffee break

11:15-12:00: Max Snijders, Max Barkhausen (BCG Gamma)

12:00-13:00: Lunch break

13:00-13:45: Herke van Hoof (University of Amsterdam)
13:45-14:30: Joaquim Gromicho (ORTEC)

14:30-15:00: Coffee break

15:00-15:45: Guillaume Baquiast (QuantumBlack)
15:45-16:30: Diederik Fokkema (ING)

16:30: Closing

Information and registration
This workshop will be organised in a hybrid setting in the Hybrid Learning Theatre of the Amsterdam Business School. The theatre can host up to 40 people (current status 03-09-2021). To participate in this meeting, please register through the link below. In due course the organising committee will make a selection of participants who will be invited to join on-site and who will be invited to join online, in case there will be more registrations than 40. Those who will participate via a digital meeting will receive a zoom-video link a few days before the meeting by email. For general inquiries, please send an email to secbs-abs@uva.nl.

Register here.