Can Large Language Models Revolutionize Learner-Centered Education?
SpeakersThiemo Wambsganss (Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
FieldData Science
LocationVrije University Amsterdam, NU-4B43
Amsterdam -
Date and time
April 16, 2024
16:00 - 17:00
In this talk, we will dive into the design and effects of human-centered AI-based learning tools and how large language models impacted the way we design and evaluate educational technologies. Thiemo Wambsganss will share his vision of human-centered AI-based tools and will explain how he designs and tests the effects of adaptive writing assistants for metacognitive skills (such as argumentation, empathy, or mindfulness) or conversational agents (aka chatbots) to better tutor students in their learning experience. Specifically, he will take a deep dive into the research of his system ArgueLearn which helped students develop better argumentation skills over time through the provision of Machine Learning feedback on their logical errors.
Find all information about this ABRI seminar on the website of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.