Haeubl, G., Dellaert, B. and Donkers, B. (2010). Tunnel Vision: Local Behavioral Influences on Consumer Decisions in Product Search Marketing Science, 29(3):438--455.
24 key publications
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Gautier, P., van Vuuren, A.P. and Teulings, C. (2010). On the job search mismatch and efficiency Review of Economic Studies, 77(1):245--272.
Dittmann, I., Maug, E. and Spalt, O. (2010). Sticks or carrots? Optimal CEO compensation when managers are loss-averse The Journal of Finance, 65(6):2015--2050.
Parker, SimonC. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2010). A General framework for estimating multidimensional contingency fit Organization Science, 21(2):540--553.