Gryglewicz, S. and Hartman-Glaser, B. (2020). Investment Timing and Incentive Costs∗ Review of Financial Studies, 33(1):309--357.
8 key publications
Pitkäjärvi, A., Suominen, M. and Vaittinen, L. (2020). Cross-asset signals and time series momentum Journal of Financial Economics, 136(1):63--85.
Daniel, K., Mota, L., Rottke, S. and Santos, T. (2020). The Cross-section of Risk and Returns Review of Financial Studies, 33(5):1927–1979.
Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Kirchler, M., Lindner, F., Weitzel, U. and Zeisberger, S. (2020). What drives risk perception? A global survey with financial professionals and laypeople Management Science, 66(9):3977--4002.
Gryglewicz, S., Mayer, S.(. and Morellec, E. (2020). Agency Conflicts and Short- versus Long-Termism in Corporate Policies Journal of Financial Economics, 136(3):718--742.
Weitzel, U., Huber, C., Huber, J., Kirchler, M., Lindner, F. and Rose, J. (2020). Bubbles and financial professionals Review of Financial Studies, 33(6):2659--2696.
Gryglewicz, S., Hartman-Glaser, B. and Zheng, G. (2020). Growth Options, Incentives, and Pay-for-Performance: Theory and Evidence Management Science, 66(3):1248--1277.
Gassen, J., Skaife, H. and Veenman, D. (2020). Illiquidity and the Measurement of Stock Price Synchronicity Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1):419--456.