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Home | News | Benedict Dellaert and Bas Donkers awarded a Netspar grant
News | October 15, 2020

Benedict Dellaert and Bas Donkers awarded a Netspar grant

Marketing Professors Benedict Dellaert and Bas Donkers of Erasmus School of Economics receive a grant of 250,000 euros, to investigate and support individuals’ pension decision making when pension investment outcomes are uncertain. 

Benedict Dellaert and Bas Donkers awarded a Netspar grant

The grant is provided by Netspar (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement). This thinktank and knowledge network is dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of the economic and social implications of pensions, aging and retirement in the Netherlands and Europe. In their project Individual Pension Choices in Uncertain Times: Advancing Digital Support for Risky Pension Decisions, Dellaert and Donkers are investigating three important aspects related to a better understanding and support of pension decisions when it concerns risks. Learn more about the project on the website of Erasmus School of Ecconomics