How comedy can help to spread knowledge. Albert Menkveld starring in edcom on finance
Is this journalism? education? comedy? You decide. In a seven minutes sketch, US comedian Sammy Obeid "interviews" Albert Menkveld (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) about his article "Non-standard errors".

The video "If Researchers Could Speak" (Episode 2): Non-standard errors" with Menkveld is part of the three-part web series of short humorous educational comedies ("edcoms") on finance topics by comedian Paul Elia. The goal is both to entertain and to inspire learning. The three edcoms star the comedian Sammy Obeid (host of "100 Humans" on Netflix).
Film festival
"If Researchers Could Speak" (Episode 2): Non-standard errors" will be screened at the International Film Festival in The Hague on Sunday November 13, 14:00 - 15:30. Menkveld will join the Q&A afterwards to discuss how comedy can help to spread knowledge.
The research paper 'Non-Standard Errors' is available on SSRN. Link to personal website of Albert Menkveld.