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Home | News | TI Economics Lectures 2023: Hunt Allcott (Stanford University)
News | February 03, 2023

TI Economics Lectures 2023: Hunt Allcott (Stanford University)

The Tinbergen Institute Lectures are an annual series of advanced PhD-level courses. Qualified internal and external research master and PhD students are explicitly invited to participate (free of charge). 

TI Economics Lectures 2023: Hunt Allcott (Stanford University)

Hunt Allcott, Professor of Global Environmental Policy at Stanford University, will give the TI Economics Lectures 2023.

This course will provide an overview of empirical research in environmental and energy economics. As the world reduces emissions and adapts to climate change, governments face important policy design questions. What is the social cost of carbon, and how harmful is air pollution? What are the efficiency and distributional consequences of second-best policies such as automotive fuel economy standards, zero-emission vehicle mandates, and subsidies for energy efficiency and renewables? How can politically feasible policies be adjusted to improve economic efficiency? If governments fail to act, how effective are voluntary actions by individuals and firms? Professor Allcott will discuss the latest evidence on these issues using tools from public finance, industrial organization, and behavioral economics.

Learn more and find all information regarding registration on the webpage of the lectures