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Home | News | First Business Data Science - Tinbergen Institute conference a success
News | June 20, 2023

First Business Data Science - Tinbergen Institute conference a success

Last week from June 15-17, 2023, the first Business Data Science - Tinbergen Institute conference took place at the Euromast in Rotterdam. It was a great success, and very memorable. The theme of this year's conference was ‘Consumer Search and Markets’ and it subsumed the 12th Workshop on Consumer Search and Switching Costs. This is an annual conference that brings together leading economists and marketing scholars who share an interest in modeling and quantifying consumer search frictions and switching costs.

First Business Data Science - Tinbergen Institute conference a success

The conference featured keynotes by Mark Armstrong (University College London) and Bart Bronnenberg (Tilburg University), and a policy session with valuable contributions from Pierre Regibeau (Chief Economist DG Comp) and Paul de Bijl (Chief Economist Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets). With a high-level expert lineup of speakers from research institutions from all over the world, many discussions were sparked, and people came to valuable insights.

Thanks to all participants for their engagement and to Amazon for their generous financial support. A special thanks to Jose L. Moraga (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) for his efforts in organizing this event.

Please find a selection of photos capturing the atmosphere of the event below.

        Group picture in thumbnail (hyperlink)

For more pictures, please contact local organizer Loïs Hardonk at Hardonk@ese.eur.nl.