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Home | People | Daniele Vigo

Daniele Vigo


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Operations Analytics


Daniele Vigo is Professor of Operations Research at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering of the University of Bologna and visiting professor at the department of Logistics of the Vrije Universiteit.
His research interests cover the design of innovative algorithms for the solution of difficult decision and optimization problems arising in several applications fields ranging from Logistics to Energy Production and to Smart Cities.
He is author of tens of scientific papers and coeditor of some highly cited books. He is president of the Italian OR society 2016-19 and coordinator of the EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization. Finally, in 2007 he founded Optit, an accredited spinoff of the University of Bologna, which develops decision support systems for several important markets.


Kloster, K., Moeini, M., Vigo, D. and Wendt, O. (2023). The multiple traveling salesman problem in presence of drone- and robot-supported packet stations European Journal of Operational Research, 305(2):630--643.

Accorsi, L., Lodi, A. and Vigo, D. (2022). Guidelines for the computational testing of machine learning approaches to vehicle routing problems Operations Research Letters, 50(2):229--234.

Doppstadt, C., Koberstein, A. and Vigo, D. (2020). The Hybrid Electric Vehicle—Traveling Salesman Problem with time windows European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2):675--692.

Bettinelli, A., Cacchiani, V., Crainic, T.G. and Vigo, D. (2019). A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price algorithm for the Multi-trip Separate Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows at Customers and Facilities European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3):824--839.

Gambella, C., Maggioni, F. and Vigo, D. (2019). A stochastic programming model for a tactical solid waste management problem European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2):684--694.

Baller, AnneliekeC., Dabia, S., Dullaert, WoutE.H. and Vigo, D. (2019). The Dynamic-Demand Joint Replenishment Problem with Approximated Transportation Costs European Journal of Operational Research, 276(3):1013--1033.

Zhou, L., Baldacci, R., Vigo, D. and Wang, X. (2018). A Multi-Depot Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Delivery Options Arising in the Last Mile Distribution European Journal of Operational Research, 265(2):765--778.

Stidsen, T., Pisinger, D. and Vigo, D. (2018). Scheduling EURO-k conferences European Journal of Operational Research, 270(3):1138--1147.

Vigo, D. and Józefowska, J. (2018). Extending the OR horizons European Journal of Operational Research, 270(3):795--796.

Bettinelli, A., Santini, A. and Vigo, D. (2017). A real-time conflict solution algorithm for the train rescheduling problem Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 106:237--265.

Pimenta, V., Quilliot, A., Toussaint, H. and Vigo, D. (2017). Models and algorithms for reliability-oriented Dial-a-Ride with autonomous electric vehicles European Journal of Operational Research, 257(2):601--613.

Schneider, M., Schwahn, F. and Vigo, D. (2017). Designing granular solution methods for routing problems with time windows European Journal of Operational Research, 263(2):493--509.

Doppstadt, C., Koberstein, A. and Vigo, D. (2016). The Hybrid Electric Vehicle - Traveling Salesman Problem European Journal of Operational Research, 253(3):825--842.

Bordin, C., Gordini, A. and Vigo, D. (2016). An optimization approach for district heating strategic network design European Journal of Operational Research, 252(1):296--307.

Inghels, D., Dullaert, W. and Vigo, D. (2016). A service network design model for multimodal municipal solid waste transport European Journal of Operational Research, 254(1):68--79.

Hoogeboom, M., Battarra, M., Erdoǧan, G. and Vigo, D. (2016). Erratum: Exact Algorithms for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem (Operations Research (2014) 62:1 (58-71)) Operations Research, 64(2):456--457.

Allahyari, S., Salari, M. and Vigo, D. (2015). A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot covering tour vehicle routing problem European Journal of Operational Research, 242(3):756--768.

Lopez-Sanchez, A., Hernandez-Diaz, A., Vigo, D., Caballero, R. and Molina, J. (2014). A multi-start algorithm for a balanced real-world Open Vehicle Routing Problem European Journal of Operational Research, 238(1):104--113.

Toth, P. and Vigo, D. (2014). Guest editorial to the Special Issue 'Routing and Logistics' (VeRoLog 2012) European Journal of Operational Research, 236(3):787--788.

Battarra, M., Erdogan, G. and Vigo, D. (2014). Exact Algorithms for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem Operations Research, 62(1):58--71.