Hakan Ozalp
Hakan Özalp is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam. Hakan holds a PhD in Business Administration and Management and MSc in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology from Bocconi University, and my BSc in Management Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. Hakan previously worked at VU Amsterdam, LMU Munich and Leeds University Business School. His research explores the antecedents and the impact of industrial and technological change on platform ecosystems, firms, and innovation-based competition taking place within these ecosystems and across firms. Hakan taught and coordinated various courses on innovation, strategy, and research methods.
Key publications

Argyres, N., Nickerson, J. and Özalp, H. (2023). Platform Competition and Complementor Responses: Insights from Combining Design Rules with the Comparative Adjustment, Transaction and Opportunity Cost Framework Industrial and Corporate Change, 32(1):112--128.
Özalp, H., Eggers, J. and Malerba, F. (2023). Hitting Reset: Industry Evolution, Generational Technology Cycles, and the Dynamic Value of Firm Experience Strategic Management Journal, 44(5):1292--1327.
Miric, M., Özalp, H. and Yilmaz, E. (2023). Trade-offs to using standardized tools: Innovation enablers or creativity constraints? Strategic Management Journal, 44(4):909--942.
Ozalp, H. and Kretschmer, T. (2019). Follow the Crowd or Follow the Trailblazer? The Differential Role of Firm Experience in Product Entry Decisions in the US Video Game Industry Journal of Management Studies, 56(7):1452--1481.
Cennamo, C., Ozalp, H. and Kretschmer, T. (2018). Platform architecture and quality trade-offs of multihoming complements Information Systems Research, 29(2):461--478.
Ozalp, H., Cennamo, C. and Gawer, A. (2018). Disruption in Platform-Based Ecosystems Journal of Management Studies, 55(7):1203--1241.