Chintan Amrit
Chintan Amrit is associate professor at the Amsterdam Business School, section Business Analytics.
Recent Prestigious Rewards:
Best Paper Award for my paper: Su, Yuanyuan; Amrit, Chintan, “A Predictive Model for Analyzing Chad’s Food Security”, at the IFIP 8.3 Open Conference for Decision Support. The paper was fast-tracked to the Journal of Decision Systems.
Nominated for Best Paper at the SIGDSA 2024 Workshop (part of ICIS 2024) for the paper: Ghosh, Mayukh, Amrit, Chintan, and Gromicho, Joaquim, “A Decision Support Tool for Domain-Driven Mobile Clinic Routing: A Case Study in Kenya”.
My co-authored paper in the Journal of Systems and Software (considered an A journal in Software Engineering): Daneva, M., Van Der Veen, E., Amrit, C., Ghaisas, S., Sikkel, K., Kumar, R., ... & Wieringa, R. (2013). Agile Requirements Prioritization in Large-Scale Outsourced System Projects: An Empirical Study. Journal of Systems and Software, 86(5), 1333-1353.
Won the Most Influential Paper Award for the journal for the year 2013.
Research interests are: Machine learning, Supply chain analytics, Social network analytics, Mining software repositories, Open Source development