Arantza Estévez-Fernández
Arantza Estevez Fernandez obtained her PhD in operations research at the Tilburg University in 2006. She started working at the Vrije Universiteit in 2007. Before that she worked as a postdoc athe Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI).
Estévez-Fernández, A., Giménez-Gómez, J. and Solís-Baltodano, M.J. (2020). Sequential bankruptcy problems European Journal of Operational Research, 292(1):388--395.
Dietzenbacher, B., Borm, P. and Estévez-Fernández, A. (2020). NTU-bankruptcy problems: consistency and the relative adjustment principle Review of Economic Design, 24(1-2):101--122.
Estévez-Fernández, A. and Hamers, H. (2020). Chinese postman games with multi-located players European Journal of Operational Research, 285(2):458--469.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A., Borm, P. and Lazarova, E. (2016). Transfers and exchange-stability in two-sided matching problems Theory and Decision, 81(1):53--71.
van den Brink, J.R., Estevez Fernandez, M.A., van der Laan, G. and Moes, N. (2014). Independence of downstream and upstream benefits in river water allocation problems Social Choice and Welfare, 43(1):173--194.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A. and Reijnierse, H. (2014). On the core of cost-revenue games: Minimum cost spanning tree games with revenues European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2):606--616.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A. (2012). A game theoretical approach to sharing penalties and rewards in projects European Journal of Operational Research, 216(3):647--657.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A. (2012). New Characterizations for Largeness of the Core Games and Economic Behavior, 76(1):160--180.
Borm, P., Estevez Fernandez, M.A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. (2009). Competitive environments and protective behavior Games and Economic Behavior, 67(1):245--252.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A., Borm, P., Meertens, M. and Reijnierse, H. (2009). On the core of routing games with revenues International Journal of Game Theory, 38(2):291--304.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A., Borm, P. and Hamers, H. (2007). Project games International Journal of Game Theory, 36:149--176.
Estevez Fernandez, M.A., Borm, P. and Hamers, H. (2006). On the core of multiple longest traveling salesman games European Journal of Operational Research, 174(3):1816--1827.
Calleja, P., Estevez Fernandez, M.A., Borm, P. and Hamers, H. (2006). Job scheduling, cooperation and control Operations Research Letters, 34:22--28.