Eric Bartelsman
Eric Bartelsman is Professor of Economics at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam. He holds a BS from MIT and a PhD from Columbia University. Prior to his appointment at VU in 2000, he served as economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC, as advisor to CPB Netherlands, and as Head of Economic Research at the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands. In 2007 and 2008 he was a member of the Netherlands Council of Economic Advisors (REA), in 2012-13 he was non-resident Fellow of DG ECFin and from 2013-17 he was a Research Visitor at the ECB. From 2016-23 he was General Director of the Tinbergen Institute. His teaching ranges from first-year lectures to PhD seminars. His research interests are in the area of productivity growth, both from a micro and macro vantage point, and have led to publications in top journals. Bartelsman is a Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute and IZA Bonn.
Key publications

Scholz, RolandW., Bartelsman, EricJ., Diefenbach, S., Franke, L., Grunwald, A., Helbing, D., Hill, R., Hilty, L., Höjer, M., Klauser, S., Montag, C., Parycek, P., Prote, J.P., Renn, O., Reichel, A., Schuh, G., Steiner, G. and Pereira, G.V. (2018). Unintended side effects of the digital transition: European scientists' messages from a proposition-based expert round table Sustainability, 10(6):.
Bartelsman, E., Hagsten, E. and Polder, M. (2018). Micro Moments Database for cross-country analysis of ICT, innovation, and economic outcomes Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 27(3):626--648.
Bartelsman, E., van Leeuwen, G. and Polder, M. (2017). CDM using a Cross-Country Micro Moments Database Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26(1-2):168--182.
Bartelsman, E., Gautier, P. and de Wind, J. (2016). Employment protection, technology choice, and worker allocation International Economic Review, 57(3):787--826.
Bartelsman, E., Dobbelaere, S. and Peters, B. (2015). Allocation of Human Capital and Innovation at the Frontier: Firm-level Evidence on Germany and the Netherlands Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(5):875--949.
Bartelsman, E. and Wolf, Z. (2014). Forecasting Aggregate Productivity using Information from Firm-level Data Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(4):745--755.
Bartelsman, E., Haltiwanger, J. and Scarpetta, S. (2013). Cross-Country Differences in Productivity: The Role of Allocation and Selection American Economic Review, 103(1):305--334.
Bartelsman, E. (2010). Searching for the Sources of Productivity: from micro to macro and back Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(6):1891--1917.
Bartelsman, E., Haltiwanger, J. and Scarpetta, S. (2010). Cross country and within country differences in business climate International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(4):368--371.
Bartelsman, E., Corrado, C., Lengermann, P. and Beaulieu, J. (2006). Sectoral productivity in the United States: Recent developments and the role of IT German Economic Review, :.
Bartelsman, E., Scarpetta, S. and Schivardi, F. (2005). Comparative analysis of firm demographics and survival: Evidence from micro-level sources in OECD countries Industrial and Corporate Change, 14(3):365--391.
Bartelsman, E. (2004). Firm Dynamics and Innovation in the Netherlands, a Comment on Baumol De Economist, 152(3):353--363.
Bartelsman, E. and Beetsma, R. (2003). Why pay more? Corporate tax avoidance through transfer pricing in OECD countries Journal of Public Economics, 87(9-10):2225--2252.
Bartelsman, E. (2002). Discussion of Matching Demand and Supply in a Weightless Economy: Market-driven Creativity with and without IPRs De Economist, 150(4):405--408.
Baily, M., Bartelsman, E. and Haltiwanger, J. (2001). Labor Productivity: Structural Change and Cyclical Dynamics Review of Economics and Statistics, 83(3):420--433.
Bartelsman, E. and Doms, M. (2000). Understanding Productivity: Lessons from Longitudinal Microdata Journal of Economic Literature, 83(3):569--594.
Bartelsman, E. and Dhrymes, P. (1998). Productivity dynamics: U.S. manufacturing plants 1972-1986 Journal of Productivity Analysis, 9(1):5--33.
Bartelsman, E., van Leeuwen, G. and Nieuwenhuijsen, H. (1998). Adoption of advanced manufacturing technology and firm performance in the Netherlands Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 6(4):291--312.
Bartelsman, E., de Bijl, P. and Canoy, M. (1998). The jigsaw puzzle of policy and dynamics: who can put the pieces together? De Economist, 3(146):495--500.
Baily, M.N., Bartelsman, EricJ. and Haltiwanger, J. (1996). Downsizing and productivity growth: Myth or reality? Small Business Economics, 8(4):259--278.
Bartelsman, EricJ. (1995). Of empty boxes: Returns to scale revisited Economics Letters, 49(1):59--67.
Bartelsman, EricJ., Caballero, R. and Lyons, RichardK. (1994). Customer and Supplier Driven Externalities American Economic Review, 38(84-4):1075--1084.