De Keyzer, A., Schepers, J. and Konuş, U. (2015). Multichannel Customer Segmentation: Does the After-Sales Channel Matter?: A Replication and Extension International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(4):453--456.
Affiliated author
Publication year2015
JournalInternational Journal of Research in Marketing
Segmentation is critical in developing a successful multichannel customer management strategy. Multiple researchers recognized the need to adopt a multi-stage customer journey perspective, taking into account the channels used for information search and product purchase. This paper aims to advance previous research in this area. Specifically, we replicate and extend Konuş, Verhoef, and Neslin's (2008) original study in four ways: we include (i) the after-sales service stage and (ii) the often overlooked yet important call center channel in the segmentation scheme. We (iii) utilize self-report channel behavior instead of measures of channel appropriateness and (iv) investigate the value of previously ignored covariates, such as product complexity, to predict segment membership.