Rigtering, J.P.C.(Coen), Weitzel, U. and Muehlfeld, K.(Katrin) (2019). Increasing quantity without compromising quality: How managerial framing affects intrapreneurship Journal of Business Venturing, 34(2):224--241.
Affiliated author
Publication year2019
JournalJournal of Business Venturing
Individual-level opportunity recognition processes are vital to corporate entrepreneurship. However, little is known regarding how managerial communication impacts the effectiveness of idea suggestion systems in stimulating individuals{\textquoteright} participation in intrapreneurial ideation. Integrating self-determination theory, creativity, and framing research, we theorize how different ways of inviting employees to submit proposals (opt-out/opt-in registration; provision of examples) affect the number and quality of submitted ideas. Our multi-method study (field experiment, vignette experiment, interviews) shows that (i) opt-out increases employee participation without reducing idea quality and (ii) the provision of examples enhances the usefulness of ideas but decreases novelty and the number of submissions.