Mintz, O., Currim, I., Steenkamp, J. and de Jong, M. (2021). Managerial Metric Use in Marketing Decisions Across 16 Countries: A Cultural Perspective Journal of International Business Studies, 52(8):1474--1500.
Affiliated author
Publication year2021
JournalJournal of International Business Studies
Research on metrics is consistently designated a priority by academics and practitioners. However, less is known about how culture and cross-national differences can potentially impact metric use, which is theoretically and managerially limiting. This work develops a model that examines national and organizational cultural antecedents while controlling for the decision setting. Testing the model on data collected from 4384 managerial decisions from 1637 firms in 16 countries reveals that both levels of culture are associated with metric use but each has varying effects. Our results enable multinational executives to better understand and increase managerial metric use across different cultures and settings.