Witte, CarolineT., Burger, MartijnJ., Ianchovichina, ElenaI. and Pennings, E. (2019). Correction to: Dodging bullets: The heterogeneous effect of political violence on greenfield FDI (Journal of International Business Studies, (2017), 48, 7, (862-892), 10.1057/s41267-017-0079-7) Journal of International Business Studies, 50(3):454--455.
Affiliated authors
Publication year2019
JournalJournal of International Business Studies
Owing to a production error, the coefficients of the BRD (ln) * localized and Greenfield FDI variables were not correctly displayed in the even columns of Table2 in the original article. A corrected version of this table is provided here. The corrected values areitalicized.