Wenqian Huang wins the the ECB Young Economist Prize
Wenqian Huang
Wenqian Huang won the Young Economists’ competition at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal in June 20217.
Wenqian Huang
Wenqian Huang won the Young Economists’ competition at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal in June 20217.
Anne Gielen
The research of Anne Gielen aims to further understanding of causal intergenerational relationships in welfare receipt by exploiting various quasi-natural experiments combined with ‘big data’. First, it investigates the extent to which welfare receipt in childhood has long term effects on socio-economic and health outcomes in adulthood, including reliance on welfare. In addition, it studies two critical mechanisms through which welfare dependency may be transmitted from one generation to the next, and investigates how dependency evolves over multiple generations. Finally, it extends the focus to the entire life cycle, identifying whether there exist critical phases over the life cycle where the impact of parental welfare dependency on next generations’ outcomes is largest. The findings of this research can help improve the design of welfare policy by indicating whether, when, and how public policies should target children in welfare receiving families.
Shaul Shalvi
The Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has awarded a Sara van Dam grant to Shaul Shalvi (Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam) for his research project "Developing empathy to boost honesty: A behavioral ethics approach."
Stefanie Jeanette Huber
Stefanie Huber (Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam) received the Barcelona GSE SEED grant (5000 Euro) for the project “Biased Expectations and Skill Mismatch”, 2017.
Wendun Wang
Wendun Wang (Erasmus School of Economics) received the fellowship for the research project "Estimating Panel Data Model with Heterogeneity and Structural Instability". The research outcomes can be used in many fields of economic and business to analyze different economic mechanisms before and after significant events, such as financial crises, technology shocks, oil price shocks, etc. With the EUR Fellowship Erasmus University Rotterdam wants to support talented researchers at the early stage of their academic career. The fellowship consists of a grant of € 135,000, to carry out research for a maximum of two years.
Arturas Juodis
Arturas Juodis, TI research master and PhD alumnus, has been awarded a VENI grant for his project: "We do not live in a bubble: economic shocks in misspecified panel data models ".
Pauline Rossi
Pauline Rossi, Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam School of Economics (UvA), has been awarded a VENI grant for her project: "The rich have money, the poor have children".
Jan Stoop
Jan Stoop, of the Erasmus School of Economics, has been awarded the prestigious Pierson Medal of the Stichting Mr. N.G. Pierson Fonds. The medal is awarded by the during the KVS, the Royal Dutch association for economists. In addition to the medal Jan Stoop received a cash prize of € 5,000.
Wendy Janssens
Wendy Janssens (School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) has received a research grant for the project "Women's empowerment, social norms and domestic violence". The grant was awarded by DFID-ESRC, the Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research of the Economic and Social Research Council.
Stephanie Chan, Sweder van Wijnbergen
PhD student Stephanie Chan (University of Amsterdam, supervisor is Sweder van Wijnbergen) won the best paper award for young academics at the 2016 European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) Annual Conference, held November 9, 2016 at the National Bank of Belgium for her paper “Contingent convertible instruments(CoCos): Design, Risk Shifting Incentives and Financial Fragility” (TI Discussion Paper, 16-007/VI, co-authored with fellow Sweder van Wijnbergen).
Pim Kastelein, Roel Beetsma
Research Master student Pim Kastelein has been awarded a five-year NWO Research Talent grant to fund a PhD project on "Pension Funding, Housing Wealth and Macroeconomic Demand". The project will be supervised by research fellows Roel Beetsma and Ward Romp, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam.
Hans Koster
Journal of Economic Geography Best Referee Award 2016
Maria Tims
Maria Tims received a Veni grant of € 250.000 by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to support her research project 'Looking for the “I” in teams while still functioning as a team: Individual job crafting and its relationships with individual, team, and organizational outcomes'.
Edith Leung
Edith Leung, Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Economics, has been awarded a VENI grant for her project "Disclosures of alternative performance metrics: misleading or informative?"
Ceren Ozgen
Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship (€ 200.000) for her research “Making Sense of Education and Skills in a World of Super Mobility”. She will spend most of the research time at the Department of Economics and IRiS of University of Birmingham in the UK. Granting Organisations: EU
Eric Koomen
Description: Kansen voor stedelijke verdichting. Het aantal woningen in Nederland blijft de komende jaren groeien, vooral rond de grote steden. Veel woningen zijn de afgelopen jaren binnen bestaand stedelijk gebied gebouwd, maar het is de vraag of dit in de toekomst ook lukt. Wij onderzoeken daarom de ruimtelijke en financiële haalbaarheid van verdere stedelijke verdichting. Dit project is een samenwerking van VU Amsterdam en Deltametropool. Dit project is een samenwerking van de VU Amsterdam en de Vereniging Deltametropool Granting Organisations: NWO
Neil Olver
Neil Olver (School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) has receoved an NWO-TOP Grant for his project Understanding dynamic aspects of traffic.
Martijn van den Assem
NWO awarded a VIDI grant to Martijn van den Assem (School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit) for his project "Economic behaviour on TV". In this project Martijn studies how people make decisions when there is a lot of money at stake, using game shows on TV to analyse economic behaviour.
Bas van der Klaauw
Bas van der Klaauw (School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit, received an NWO-VICI grant for his research project “Improving Human Capital by Allocating Individuals Efficiently to Schools and Jobs”.
Sander Renes
Sander Renes is TI alumnus and Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Economics.