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Home | Events Archive | 15th Tinbergen Institute Conference: Consumer Search and Markets
TI Annual Conference

15th Tinbergen Institute Conference: Consumer Search and Markets

  • Speakers
    Keynote speakers: Mark Armstrong (University College London), Bart Bronnenberg (Tilburg University)
  • Field
    Organizations and Markets, Marketing
  • Location
    Euromast, Parkhaven 20, Rotterdam
  • Date and time

    June 15 2023, 09:00 until June 17 2023, 18:00

The first Business Data Science - Tinbergen Institute conference 'Consumer Search and Markets' took place on June 15-17, 2023 at the Euromast in Rotterdam.

This conference subsumed the 12th Workshop on Consumer Search and Switching Costs. This is an annual conference that brings together leading economists and marketing scholars who share an interest in modeling and quantifying consumer search frictions and switching costs.

Please find more information here: https://businessdatascience.nl/conference-consumer-search-and-markets

Keynote speakers

We are pleased to announce two keynote lectures by:

Moreover, the conference will feature a policy session with:

A more extensive program can be found here.

Scientific committee:

Local organizing committee:

  • Jose L. Moraga (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • Loïs Hardonk (Business Data Science)
The conference 'Consumer search and Markets' is made possible by the following host institutions:

Research Master Business Data Science, Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Amazon