Blasques, F., Ji, J. and Lucas, A. (2016). Semiparametric score driven volatility models Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 100(August):58--69.
24 key publications
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Jacobs, B., Donkers, B. and Fok, D. (2016). Model-based Purchase Predictions for Large Assortments Marketing Science, 35(3):389--404.
Attema, A., Bleichrodt, H., Gao, Y., Huang, Z. and Wakker, P. (2016). Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility American Economic Review, 106(6):1476--1494.
Buser, T. (2016). The impact of losing in a competition on the willingness to seek further challenges Management Science, 62(12):3439--3449.