Column | April 01, 2020 Investing and Gambling with Kelly The Kelly strategy, also known as the scientific gambling method, is a powerful money management system. This article outlines how this system works.
Column | September 13, 2018 Benford Goes to the Casino You’re strolling past a casino and you notice an eye-grabbing sign: The Multiplication Game, Carpe Diem
In depth | June 15, 2018 Causal Inference and Machine Learning Interview with Guido Imbens (The Applied Econometrics Professor and Professor of Economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business, United States).
In short | June 05, 2018 Naive Learning in Social Networks with Random Communication What constitutes an optimal communication architecture for finding out the ‘truth’? Complexity
Column | November 21, 2017 The lost boarding pass and the seven dwarfs Can you solve this math puzzle by Henk Tijms?
In depth | July 11, 2017 Bringing Statistics to Life Interview with Trevor Hastie (The John A. Overdeck Professor, Professor of Statistics and Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University).
Column | July 11, 2017 A big flirt with machine learning A big flirt with machine learning is one way to capture the essence of the three days of lectures and workshops in statistical learning and data science ho...
In short | May 16, 2017 Cartel Dating The begin and end dates of cartels are often ambiguous, despite competition authorities stating them with seeming precision. The legally established infrin... Econometrics
In depth | May 07, 2016 Taking the next steps forward Interview with Eric Bartelsman, new General Director of Tinbergen Institute.