Peeter Verlegh
Peeter Verlegh studies consumer responses to branding and marketing communications, as well as the social interactions among consumers (i.e., word of mouth and social media). In his research he emphasizes topics and findings that can be translated to practical implications for business and society, with an eye on a better future for everyone. He studies these phenomena from a psychological perspective, and mostly relies on experimental research and (occasionally) survey data.
Recent Prestigious Rewards:
Best Article Award, International Journal of Advertising, 2015.
Grant, “Onderzoeksinstrumentarium voor het meten van gedrag,” 2015.
Best Conference Paper Award, ICORIA Conference, 2017.
Winner, Best Paper in Track Award, 2020.
Finalist, AMS Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, 2021.
Keywords with Research Interests:
Consumer behavior, Marketing communications, Digital brand engagement, Consumer psychology, Marketing research methods, Advertising resistance.