Stremersch, S. and Tellis, G. (2004). Understanding and managing international growth of new products International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(4):421--438.
497 key publications
van den Bulte, C. and Stremersch, S. (2004). Social Contagion and Income Heterogenity in New Product Diffusion: A Meta-Analytic Test Marketing Science, 23(4):530--544.
Wuyts, S.(., Stremersch, S. and Dutta, S. (2004). Portfolios of interfirm agreements in technology-intensive markets: consequences for innovation and profitability Journal of Marketing, 68(2):88--100.
Wuyts, S.(., Stremersch, S., van den Bulte, C. and Franses, P.H. (2004). Vertical marketing systems for complex products: A triadic perspective Journal of Marketing Research, 41(4):479--487.
Plug, E. and Vijverberg, W. (2003). Schooling, family background, and adoption: Is it nature or is it nurture Journal of Political Economy, 111:611--641.
Donkers, B., Franses, P.H. and Verhoef, P. (2003). Selective Sampling for Binary Choice Models Journal of Marketing Research, 40(4):492--497.
Stremersch, S., Weiss, M., Dellaert, B. and Frambach, R. (2003). Buying modular systems in technology-intensive markets Journal of Marketing Research, 40(3):335--350.
Tellis, G., Stremersch, S. and Yin, E. (2003). The international takeoff of new products: the role of economics, culture, and country innovativeness Marketing Science, 22(2):188--208.
Wakker, P. (2003). The Data of Levy and Levy (2002) 'Prospect Theory: Much Ado about Nothing?' Actually Support Prospect Theory Management Science, 49:979--981.
Kleibergen, F. (2002). Pivotal statistics for testing structural parameters in instrumental variables regression Econometrica, 70:1781--1804.
Perotti, E. and Biais, B. (2002). Machiavellian Privatization American Economic Review, 92(1):240--258.
Offerman, T., Potters, J. and Sonnemans, J. (2002). Imitation and Belief Learning in an Oligopoly Experiment Review of Economic Studies, 96:973--997.
van Veelen, M. (2002). An impossibility theorem concerning multilateral international comparison of volumes Econometrica, 70(1):369--375.
Bleichrodt, H. and Schmidt, U. (2002). A context-dependent model of the gambling effect Management Science, 48(6):802--812.
Goeree, J. and Offerman, T. (2002). Efficiency in Auctions with Private and Common Values: An Experimental Study American Economic Review, 92(3):625--643.
Fok, D. and Franses, P.H. (2002). Ordered logit analysis for selectively sampled data Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 40(3):477--497.
Bekaert, G., Lumsdaine, R. and Harvey, C. (2002). Dating the integration of world equity markets Journal of Financial Economics, 21(3):295--350.
Stremersch, S. and Tellis, G. (2002). Strategic Bundling of Products and Prices: a new synthesis for marketing Journal of Marketing, 66(1):55--72.
Verhoef, P., Franses, P.H. and Hoekstra, J. (2002). The effect of rational constructs on customer referrals and number of services purchased from a multiservice provider: does age of relationship matter? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30(3):202--216.
Verwaal, E. and Donkers, B. (2002). Firm size and export intensity: solving a empirical puzzle Journal of International Business Studies, 33(3):603--613.