Perotti, E. (1995). Credible privatization American Economic Review, 85(4):847--859.
484 key publications
Kulatilaka, N. and Perotti, E. (1995). What is lost by waiting to invest The Journal of Finance, 50(3):990--991.
PC, F. and Wakker, P. (1995). The Invention of the Independence Condition for Preferences Management Science, 41:1130--1144.
Franses, P.H. (1995). The effects of seasonally adjusting a periodic autoregressive process Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 19:683--704.
Tversky, A. and Wakker, P. (1995). Risk Attitudes and Decision Weights Econometrica, 63:1255--1280.
Bartelsman, EricJ., Caballero, R. and Lyons, RichardK. (1994). Customer and Supplier Driven Externalities American Economic Review, 38(84-4):1075--1084.
Berglof, E. and Perotti, E. (1994). The governance structure of the Japanese financial keiretsu Journal of Financial Economics, 36(2):259--284.
Franses, P.H. (1994). Modeling new product sales: an application of cointegration analysis International Journal of Research in Marketing, :.
Sarin, R. and Wakker, P. (1994). A General Result for Quantifying Beliefs Econometrica, 62:683--685.
Sarin, R. and Wakker, P. (1994). Folding Back in Decision Tree Analysis Management Science, 40:625--628.
van Wijnbergen, S.J.G. and Claessens, C. (1993). Secondary market prices and Mexico's Brady Deal Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(nov):965--983.
Cattrysse, D., Salomon, M., Kuik, R. and van Wassenhove, L.N. (1993). A dual ascent and column generation heuristic for the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem with setup times Management Science, 39(4):477--486.
Perotti, E. and Spier, K. (1993). Capital structure as a bargaining tool : the role of leverage in contract renegotiation American Economic Review, 83(5):1131--1141.
Wakker, P. (1993). Savage's Axioms Usually Imply Violation of Strict Stochastic Dominance Review of Economic Studies, 60:487--493.
van Wijnbergen, S.J.G. (1992). Trade reform, policy uncertainty, and the current account: a non expected-utility approach American Economic Review, 82(3):626----.
Sarin, R. and Wakker, P. (1992). A Simple Axiomatization of Nonadditive Expected Utility Econometrica, 60:1255--1272.
Levy, S. and Van Wijnbergen, S. (1992). Agricultural adjustment and the Mexico-USA Free Trade Agreement American Economic Review, :42--65.
Salomon, M., Kroon, L., Kuik, R. and van Wassenhove, L.N. (1991). Some extensions of the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem Management Science, 37(7):801--812.
van Wijnbergen, S.J.G. (1991). Fiscal deficits, exchange rate crises and inflation Review of Economic Studies, 58(193):81--92.
Peters, H. and Wakker, P. (1991). Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Revealed Group Preferences Econometrica, 59:1787--1801.