Bogaert, S., Boone, C., Negro, G. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2016). Organizational Form Emergence: A Meta-Analysis of the Ecological Theory of Legitimation Journal of Management, 42(5):1344--1373.
484 key publications
Attema, A., Bleichrodt, H., Gao, Y., Huang, Z. and Wakker, P. (2016). Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility American Economic Review, 106(6):1476--1494.
Buser, T. (2016). The impact of losing in a competition on the willingness to seek further challenges Management Science, 62(12):3439--3449.
Bradler, C., Dur, R., Neckermann, S. and Non, J. (2016). Employee Recognition and Performance: A Field Experiment. Management Science, 62(11):3085--3099.
Hoogeboom, M., Battarra, M., Erdoǧan, G. and Vigo, D. (2016). Erratum: Exact Algorithms for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem (Operations Research (2014) 62:1 (58-71)) Operations Research, 64(2):456--457.
Franses, P.H. (2016). A simple test for a bubble based on growth and acceleration Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 100:160--169.
Grundy, B. and Verwijmeren, P. (2016). Disappearing Call Delay and Dividend-Protected Convertible Bonds The Journal of Finance, 71(1):195--223.
Hillert, A., Maug, E. and Obernberger, S. (2016). Stock repurchases and liquidity Journal of Financial Economics, 119(1):186--209.
Jacobs, B., Donkers, B. and Fok, D. (2016). Model-based Purchase Predictions for Large Assortments Marketing Science, 35(3):389--404.
Korteweg, A., Kraussl, R. and Verwijmeren, P. (2015). Does it pay to invest in art? A selection-corrected returns perspective Review of Financial Studies, 29(4):1007--1038.
Lange, R., Atkinson, A. and Kress, M. (2016). When Is Information Sufficient for Action? Search with Unreliable yet Informative Intelligence Operations Research, 64(2):315--328.
Morgan, J. and Sisak, D. (2016). Aspiring to Succeed: A Model of Entrepreneurship and Fear of Failure Journal of Business Venturing, 31(1):1--21.
Stremersch, S. and Kappe, E. (2016). Drug Detailing and Doctors’ Prescription Decisions: The Role of Information Content in the Face of Competitive Entry Marketing Science, 35(6):915--933.
Terjesen, S., Hessels, J. and Li, D.(. (2016). Comparative International Entrepreneurship research: A review and research agenda Journal of Management, 42(1):299--344.
Reeven, P. and Pennings, E. (2015). On the Relation between Multimarket Contact and Service Quality: Mutual Forbearance or Network Coordination? Strategic Management Journal, 37(10):2121--2134.
De Keyzer, A., Schepers, J. and Konuş, U. (2015). Multichannel Customer Segmentation: Does the After-Sales Channel Matter?: A Replication and Extension International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(4):453--456.
van Dolder, D., van den Assem, M.J., Camerer, C. and Thaler, R. (2015). Standing United or Falling Divided? High Stakes Bargaining in a TV Game Show American Economic Review, 105(5):402--407.
Aït-Sahalia, Y., Cacho-Diaz, J. and Laeven, R. (2015). Modeling financial contagion using mutually exciting jump processes Journal of Financial Economics, 117(3):585--606.
Can, S., Einmahl, J., Khmaladze, E. and Laeven, R. (2015). Asymptotically distribution-free goodness-of-fit testing for tail copulas The Annals of Statistics, 43(2):878--902.
Vladimirov, V. (2015). Financing bidders in takeover contests Journal of Financial Economics, 117(3):534--557.