Meyer, KlausE., Van Witteloostuijn, A. and Beugelsdijk, S. (2017). What's in a p? Reassessing best practices for conducting and reporting hypothesis-testing research Journal of International Business Studies, 48(5):535--551.
484 key publications
Marie, O. and Zölitz, U. (2017). 'High' achievers? Cannabis access and academic performance Review of Economic Studies, 84(3):1210--1237.
Busch, P. and Obernberger, S. (2017). Actual Share Repurchases, Price Efficiency, and the Information Content of Stock Prices Review of Financial Studies, 30(1):324--362.
Andonov, A., Bauer, R. and Cremers, M. (2017). Pension Fund Asset Allocation and Liability Discount Rates Review of Financial Studies, 30(8):2555--2595.
Marie, O. and Zoelitz, U. (2017). High Achievers? Cannabis Access and Student Performance Review of Economic Studies, :.
Lundborg, P., Plug, E. and Rasmussen, A. (2017). Can women have children and a career? IV evidence from IVF treatments American Economic Review, 107(6):1611--1637.
Konig, M., Zilibotti, F., Thoenig, M. and Rohner, D. (2017). Networks in Conflict: Theory and Evidence from the Great War of Africa Econometrica, 85(4):1093--1132.
Stremersch, S., Kappe, E. and Venkataraman, S. (2017). Predicting the consequences of marketing policy changes: A new data enrichment method with competitive reactions Journal of Marketing Research, 54(5):720--736.
Smit, H., Pennings, E. and van Bekkum, S. (2017). Real Options and Institutions Journal of International Business Studies, 48(5):620--644.
Menkveld, AlbertJ., Yueshen, B.Z. and Zhu, H. (2017). Shades of darkness: A pecking order of trading venues Journal of Financial Economics, 124(3):503--534.
Booij, A., Leuven, E. and Oosterbeek, H. (2017). Ability Peer Effects in University: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment Review of Economic Studies, 84(2):547--578.
Gryglewicz, S., Décamps, J., Morellec, E. and Villeneuve, S. (2017). Corporate Policies with Permanent and Transitory Shocks Review of Financial Studies, 30(1):162--210.
Hoogeboom, M., Battarra, M., Erdoǧan, G. and Vigo, D. (2016). Erratum: Exact Algorithms for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem (Operations Research (2014) 62:1 (58-71)) Operations Research, 64(2):456--457.
Buser, T. and Dreber, A. (2016). The Flipside of Comparative Payment Schemes Management Science, 62(9):2626--2638.
Glaser, L., Stam, W. and Takeuchi, R. (2016). Managing the risks of proactivity: A multilevel study of initiative and performance in the middle management context Academy of Management Journal, 59(4):1339--1360.
Morgan, J. and Sisak, D. (2016). Aspiring to Succeed: A Model of Entrepreneurship and Fear of Failure Journal of Business Venturing, 31(1):1--21.
Bradler, C., Dur, R., Neckermann, S. and Non, J. (2016). Employee Recognition and Performance: A Field Experiment. Management Science, 62(11):3085--3099.
Terjesen, S., Hessels, J. and Li, D.(. (2016). Comparative International Entrepreneurship research: A review and research agenda Journal of Management, 42(1):299--344.
Mancini, L., Ranaldo, A. and Wrampelmeyer, J. (2016). The euro interbank repo market Review of Financial Studies, 29(7):1747--1779.
Reeven, P. and Pennings, E. (2015). On the Relation between Multimarket Contact and Service Quality: Mutual Forbearance or Network Coordination? Strategic Management Journal, 37(10):2121--2134.