van Diepen, M., Donkers, B. and Franses, P.H. (2009). Does Irritation Induced by Charitable Direct Mailings Reduce Donations? International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26(3):180--188.
497 key publications
van Bekkum, S., Pennings, E. and Smit, H. (2009). A Real Options Perspective on R&D Portfolio Diversification Research Policy, 38(7):1150--1158.
Birbil, S., Frenk, J., Gromicho Dos Santos, J.A. and Zhang, S. (2009). The role of robust optimization in single-leg airline revenue management Management Science, 55(1):148--163.
Belsley, D., Davidson, R., Kontoghiorghes, E. and van Dijk, H. (2009). Editorial of the fourth special issue on Computional Econometrics Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53:1923--1924.
Hauser, J., Urban, G., Liberali, G. and Braun, M. (2009). Website Morphing Marketing Science, 28(2):202--223.
Donkers, B., van Diepen, M. and Franses, P.H. (2009). Dynamic and Competitive Effects of Direct Mailings: A Charitable Giving Application Journal of Marketing Research, 46(1):120--133.
Stam, W. (2009). When does community participation enhance the performance of open source software companies? Research Policy, 38(8):1288--1299.
de Jong, M., Steenkamp, J. and Veldkamp, B. (2009). A Model for the Construction of Country-specific, Yet Internationally Comparable Short-form Marketing Scales Marketing Science, 28(4):674--689.
Prins, R., Verhoef, P. and Franses, P.H. (2009). The impact of adoption timing on new service usage and early disadoption International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26(4):304--313.
Pennings, E. and Altomonte, C. (2009). Domestic plant productivity and incremental spillovers from foreign direct investment Journal of International Business Studies, 40(7):1131--1148.
Binken, J. and Stremersch, S. (2009). The effect of superstar software on hardware sales in system markets Journal of Marketing, 73(2):88--104.
Chan, K., Menkveld, A. and Yang, Z. (2008). Information Asymmetry and Asset Prices: Evidence from the Foreign Share Discount The Journal of Finance, 63(1):159--196.
Stremersch, S. (2008). 25 years of IJRM: Reflections on the past and the future International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25(3):143--148.
Boot, A., Gopalan, R. and Thakor, A. (2008). Market liquidity, investor participation, and managerial autonomy: Why do firms go private? The Journal of Finance, 63(4):2013--2059.
de Jong, M., Steenkamp, J., Fox, J. and Baumgartner, H. (2008). Using Item Response Theory to Measure Extreme Response Style inMarketing Research: A Global Investigation Journal of Marketing Research, 45(1):104--115.
Koellinger, P. (2008). The relationship between technology, innovation, and firm performance-Empirical evidence from e-business in Europe Research Policy, 37(8):1317--1328.
van Nierop, E., Fok, D. and Franses, P.H. (2008). Interaction between shelf layout and marketing effectiveness and its impact on optimizing shelf arrangements Marketing Science, 27(6):1065--1082.
Van Der Laan, G., Van Ees, H. and Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2008). Corporate social and financial performance: An extended stakeholder theory, and empirical test with accounting measures Journal of Business Ethics, 79(3):299--310.
Stam, W. and Elfring, T. (2008). Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture performance: The moderating role of intra- and extraindustry social capital Academy of Management Journal, 51(1):97--111.
Tung, RosalieL. and Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2008). From the Editors: What makes a study sufficiently international? Journal of International Business Studies, 39(2):180--183.