Bartelsman, E., Haltiwanger, J. and Scarpetta, S. (2013). Cross-Country Differences in Productivity: The Role of Allocation and Selection American Economic Review, 103(1):305--334.
497 key publications
Eiling, E. (2013). Industry-Specific Human Capital, Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns The Journal of Finance, 68(1):43--84.
Mancini, L., Ranaldo, A. and Wrampelmeyer, J. (2013). Liquidity in the foreign exchange market: Measurement, commonality, and risk premiums The Journal of Finance, 68(5):1805--1841.
van Wijk, J.J., Stam, W., Elfring, T., Zietsma, C. and den Hond, F. (2013). Activists and incumbents structuring change: The interplay of agency, culture, and networks in field evolution Academy of Management Journal, 56(2):358--386.
Abdellaoui, M., Bleichrodt, H., l'Haridon, O. and Paraschiv, C. (2013). Is There One Unifying Concept of Utility? An Experimental Comparison of Utility Under Risk and Utility Over Time Management Science, 59(9):2153--2169.
Block, J., Thurik, R., van der Zwan, P. and Walter, S. (2013). Business takeover or new venture start? Individual and environmental determinants from a cross-country study Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(5):1099--1121.
Maas, V. and van Rinsum, M. (2013). How control system design influences performance misreporting Journal of Accounting Research, 51(5):1159--1186.
Dittmann, I., Maug, E.G. and Spalt, O. (2013). Indexing executive compensation contracts Review of Financial Studies, 26(12):3182--3224.
Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B. and Oosterbeek, H. (2013). Long-term effects of class size Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(1):249--285.
Horvath, C. and Fok, D. (2013). Moderating Factors of Immediate, Gross, and Net Cross-brand Effects of Price Promotions Marketing Science, 32(1):127--152.
Liberali, G., Urban, G. and Hauser, J. (2012). Competitive Information, Trust, Brand Consideration and Sales: Two Field Experiments International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30(2):101--113.
Stremersch, S., Landsman - Schwartz, V. and Venkataraman, S. (2013). The Relationship Between DTCA, Drug Requests and Prescriptions: Uncovering Variation in Specialty and Space Marketing Science, 32(1):89--110.
van den Assem, M.J., van Dolder, D. and Thaler, R. (2012). Split or Steal? Cooperative Behavior When the Stakes Are Large Management Science, 58(1):2--20.
Muehlfeld, K., Rao Sahib, P. and Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). A contextual theory of organizational learning from failures and successes: A study of acquisition completion in the global newspaper industry, 1981-2008 Strategic Management Journal, 33(8):938--964.
Guggenberger, P., Kleibergen, F., Mavroeidis, S. and Chen, L. (2012). On the asymptotic sizes of subset Anderson-Rubin and Lagrange multiplier tests in linear instrumental variables regression Econometrica, 80(6):2649--2666.
Dordonnat, V., Koopman, S. and Ooms, M. (2012). Dynamic factors in periodic time-varying regressions with an application to hourly electricity load modelling Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(11):3134--3152.
Belsley, D.A., Kontoghiorghes, E.J., Van Dijk, H.K., Bauwens, L., Koopman, S.J., McAleer, M., Amendola, A., Billio, M., Croux, C., Chen, CathyW.S., Davidson, R., Duchesne, P., Foschi, P., Francq, C., Fuertes, A.M., Koop, G., Khalaf, L., Paolella, M., Pollock, D.S.G., Ruiz, E., Paap, R., Proietti, T., Winker, P., Yu, PhilipL.H., Zakoian, J.M. and Zeileis, A. (2012). The Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics, first issue Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(11):2991--2992.
Hoogerheide, L., Ardia, D. and van Dijk, H.K. (2012). A Comparative Study of Monte Carlo Methods for Efficient Evaluation of marginal likelihood Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(11):3398--3414.
Impink, J., Lubberink, M., van Praag, B. and Veenman, D. (2012). Did Accelerated Filing Requirements and Sox Section 404 Affect the Timeliness of 10-K Filings? Review of Accounting Studies, 17(2):227--253.
Ramdani, D. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2012). The Shareholder-Manager Relationship and Its Impact on the Likelihood of Firm Bribery Journal of Business Ethics, 108(4):495--507.